now i should write something...

hello everyone
hellllllllooooooooo everyyyyyyyyooooonnnnnnnneeeeeeee.
hi it's kanak. the designer. studing graphic design at charukola as u see in my profile. i've started this blog about 6 months ago. but i didn't post anythig. now i feel it's time to start it again. & i hope i'll not stop again.

i named this  blog rikanak. but now i feel i love design is nice."i love design" it's something not like i love design sooooooooo much. it's i=me. love=u & design. so it's all about me u & design. ha ha ha...


Amal said…
welcome back. hope you don't have to stop again.keep it up.
nazvikanak said…
thnks a lot amal vai.yap i'll not stop again...